Thursday, August 23, 2007

So it seems

So it seems that most professing Christians don't believe the bible.
So it seems that the ones that do don't believe in the preservation of the bible.
So it seems that if you talk to a young believer about biblical truth, it makes people very uneasy.
So it seems that among "Christians" all it takes to be saved is the "sinners prayer" what was the passage for that again? oh yeah Notinthebible 10:8-9.
So it seems that when someone feels strongly about something, it means that it's a gift from God and it needs to be excersized. What was that verse? oh yeah... Faith cometh by Emotion and Emotion by Imagination.
So it seems that when "Christians" imagine that God doesn't judge us, that makes it true...
This is, of course, ridiculous.. or So it seems.

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